Our News

Our News provides useful information about Willamette Writers, upcoming events in the writing and publishing world, and Pacific Northwest updates for writers.

Willamette Writers 2016 Conference – Member Promoter Opportunity

At Willamette Writers we always look for new ways to help support our members, and this year we wondered how we could highlight the authors, poets, playwrights, and screenwriters who make up Willamette Writers as we promote the Willamette Writers Conference. Then we were struck by an idea! We invite our members (YOU!) join our conference promotion…

Books for Kids Touches the Lives of Children in Need

Books for Kids logo - a program from Willamette Writers that delivers books to children

Willamette Writers’ Books for Kids program in partnership with Clackamas Barnes & Noble collected 3,541 new books and raised $1269.24 to purchase books for children in need. Thank you Barnes & Noble and all of the book-loving Willamette Writers supporters who helped us accomplish this feat! Barnes & Noble’s Holiday Book Fair and Book Drive…

Willamette Writers Conference Returning Faculty (Pt. Two)

Willamette Writers Conference Returning Faculty

Long time Willamette Writers member, author Anthony St. Clair has attended our conferences for years. In fact, I first met Anthony at the 2010 Willamette Writers Conference. He has many favorite returning faculty, and was kind enough to tell me about four of them: Susan DeFrieitas, William Hertling, Luke Ryan, and Eric Witchey. Discovering Core Character…

Willamette Writers Conference Returning Faculty (Pt. One)

Willamette Writers Conference Returning Faculty

With over sixty faculty members, the 2016 Willamette Writers Conference will offer workshops from the most varied group of instructors ever. They represent the many faces of writing from poetry to prose, fiction to nonfiction, and the art of writing to the business. This extraordinary list of presenters includes well-loved veteran instructors, newbies, and guest…

FiLMLaB 2016 Celebrity Judges

Since FiLMLaB began in 2012, we have always invited a handful of Hollywood experts to weigh in on the final few scripts in a round that has become known as Celebrity Judging. Not only does it get the work of aspiring screenwriters in front of a manager/agent/producer; when these same industry professionals attend our August…

Spring Fling for Willamette Writers at Attic Institute

Spring Fling at the Attic

If you’ve been looking for a great excuse, I mean, opportunity to delve deeply into your writing and prepare for the Willamette Writer’s Conference under the watchful eye of a fabulous teacher, look no further. The Attic Institute, at 40th & Hawthorne, offers workshops in many literary genres: fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and essay, led by…

FiLMLaB Premier

FiLMLab’s Script­-to-­Screen Contest awards its winners with the production of their script into shorts with the aid of professional directors and actors. With the deadline for the contest coming tonight (Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 11:59 p.m. PT) we’re getting excited about the winner’s premier at the Annual Willamette Writers Conference. The past few years have blown us…