Willamette Writers Conference Returning Faculty (Pt. Two)

Long time Willamette Writers member, author Anthony St. Clair has attended our conferences for years. In fact, I first met Anthony at the 2010 Willamette Writers Conference. He has many favorite returning faculty, and was kind enough to tell me about four of them: Susan DeFrieitas, William Hertling, Luke Ryan, and Eric Witchey.

Discovering Core Character and Plot

“Every time I attend one of Susan’s talks,” he said, “I gain insights on science fiction and fantasy that I put to work in my own stories.” But more than that, Susan helps writers get to the “core character and plot elements that make for stronger, more compelling books.”

This year, Susan DeFreitas will share her professional editor expertise in Live Editing Lab on Friday morning for the Revisions and Rewrites Track.

Marketing Strategies for Authors

In regards to William Hertling, Anthony said, “Will’s technical understanding of online marketing is matched only by his ability to convey that information in a way that any author can understand and put to work.”

William will offer two workshops for the Business and Marketing Track this year: one on Friday and another on Sunday.

Beyond the Book

Anthony told me that Luke Ryan helps authors think about telling stories in mediums beyond the book such as graphic novels and television screenplays. “I’ve used Luke’s advice to continue building on the story-behind-the-story that I need to make my ongoing fantasy series richer and more engaging.”

Luke will present two workshops this year: one for the Screenwriting Track and one for the Business and Marketing Track.

Heart of the Story


Perhaps one of the most staunch Willamette Writers supporters, Eric Witchey has presented at many conferences, offered a multitude of Advanced Manuscript Critiques for our members, and offered workshops for many of our chapters all over the state.

Anthony said, “Eric helps authors get to the heart of their stories, and then gain the confidence and skill to get their heart of the story onto the page for the reader.”

Eric Witchey will offer four workshops for the Fiction Track at the 2016 Willamette Writers Conference this summer.

Read more Willamette Writers Conference Returning Faculty Stories in Part One.

If you have a returning faculty story, please email them to me.

Photo credit: Russell J. Young

Gail Pasternack

Gail Pasternack has been a member of Willamette Writers since 2010 and joined the Board of Directors in 2015. Since stepping up as President of the Board, she has provided leadership for the organization and worked closely with the Executive Director and the board to run the daily business of Willamette Writers. She is a storyteller and writer who tells re-envisioned folktales to live audiences and has published short stories and essays for magazines and anthologies. She is the founding member of the Women’s Storytelling Collective. They will publish their first anthology in 2025.