Tag Archive for writing

Hybrid Hillsboro: Exploring Ludonarrative with Arianna Goodman

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Exploring Ludonarrative with Arianna Goodman Register For the Meeting Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlfuyspzIiHdKoZ-MVjgShhvSkQdCqrPLs Much has been said about how the medium is the message. So how do video games, as a medium, tell stories? Join the Hillsboro Chapter of Willamette Writers with the support of Oregon Film as they explore this question with Arianna Goodman on June…

Online FilmLab:  Meet Sara Cooper

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Willamette Writers Screenwriter’s Happy Hour: Meet Sara Cooper Please join us at the FilmLab Screenwriter’s Happy Hour on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 from 5:00 to 6:00 pm, PST. The Zoom Room opens at 5PM. The registration link is below. About Sara Cooper SARA COOPER is an A-List television writer/producer, who’s been working in television and…

Writing Advice from Zoraida Córdova

by Mari Hotchkiss An unusual career path. As a young child in Ecuador, Zoraida Córdova grew up listening to her grandmother’s stories that were filled with magic and wonder. At six years old, she immigrated to the United States with her mom and grandma, causing her to abandon her love of stories. “I stopped reading.…

Creating Characters

creating characters

Happy Fall! Have you got your sweater? Your scarf? Your pumpkin-spiced whatever?Then sit down and talk with us about character.  Hemingway said, “When writing a novel, a writer should create living people; people, not characters. A character is a caricature.” But how do we do that? That’s the challenge, isn’t it? We loved our classes…

Experts Weigh In: 10 Crucial Screenwriting Mistakes

Experts Weigh In: 10 Crucial Screenwriting Mistakes Lee Jessup, a member of our screenwriting faculty at the upcoming Willamette Writer’s Conference and the author of Breaking In: Tales from the Screenwriting Trenches and Getting It Write: An Insider’s Guide To A Screenwriting Career shares how to avoid ten screenwriting mistakes. You can find this post and others…

The 7 Things Writers Need to Make a Living by Sonia Simone

Written by SONIA SIMONE Reprinted with permission from Copyblogger.  If you’re a writer, you might have heard this most of your life: People don’t make a living writing. You should find something practical to do with your life. Smart, capable writers grimly pass around war stories on Facebook. Penny-a-word assignments, clients who don’t pay, disdain for our…

What’s the Difference between One Genre and Another?

Eric Witchey is presenting two talks at Willamette Writers in November, so we invited him to share some thoughts about writing with us. Check out Eric’s thoughts about genre, markets, literary fiction, and more.
What’s the Difference between One Genre and Another? The editor.
Lame joke? Not really.