Tag Archive for Portland

Hybrid Portland: Interactive Stories with Tina Connolly and Katherine Factor

Portland Willamette Writers Presents Interactive Stories with Tina Connolly and Katherine Factor Hybrid: In-person and Online Place: Tabor Space, 5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215, or Register for the meeting here. On the day of the meeting, a Zoom link will be sent to your email. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkf-CprDIiE9dSFyDYiPBUKzL0_gaxQLBz   Join Choose Your Own Adventure Authors Tina Connolly…

Portland Willamette Writers: Women in Publishing Panel

Portland Willamette Writers Presents Women in Publishing Panel This is In-person Only Place: 1336 NW Flanders St. Portland, Oregon 97203 The Portland Chapter of Willamette Writers invites you to a special event in honor of Women’s History Month. Join us on March 5 at 7 PM (doors open at 6:45 PM) for a panel on…

Hybrid YWW Portland: Writing and Revision with Rosanne Parry

Young Willamette Writers Portland Presents Writing and Revision with Rosanne Parry Hybrid: In-person and online Place: Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW 5th Street, Beaverton, OR 97005, or To receive the Zoom Link, join our email at: http://eepurl.com/hRubBf. A registration link will be sent to you before our next meeting. We are so excited that Rosanne Parry will…

Portland: Five phases of writing with Abigail Raeke

The Portland Chapter of Willamette Writers Presents Five phases of writing with Abigail Raeke HYBRID: In-person and online Where: 1336 NW Flanders, Portland, OR 97209, or Register for the meeting here. On the day of the meeting, a Zoom link will be sent to your email. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86420294001?pwd=ZTl2VzkvVTNmK0ZhN29lWUwxcFZNdz09   Join the Portland Chapter on Feb.6th @…

Writing Spiritual Memoirs with Nan Phifer

Jan. 20-21 Portland Writing Workshop Nan Phifer, author of Memoirs of the Soul: A Writing Guide, will lead you in identifying the experiences that compose your spiritual memoirs. She’ll demonstrate a process that evokes spontaneous rough drafts and supportive responses. From Nan’s presentation you’ll gain a personal table of contents, learn a writing process that…