Tag Archive for Online Meeting

Hybrid Portland: Turn Up the Tension with April Henry

Portland Willamette Writers Center - Green and White header

45 Ways to Turn Up the Tension with April Henry We’re so excited to be back! We are bringing some real heat as we near the end of summer. Join us on Tuesday, September 3rd at 7:00 PM online or at the Willamette Writers Writing Center (3121 S. Moody Ave in Portland) as we meet with Award-Winning…

Hybrid Hillsboro: Exploring Ludonarrative with Arianna Goodman

Hillsboro Chapter Header

Exploring Ludonarrative with Arianna Goodman Register For the Meeting Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlfuyspzIiHdKoZ-MVjgShhvSkQdCqrPLs Much has been said about how the medium is the message. So how do video games, as a medium, tell stories? Join the Hillsboro Chapter of Willamette Writers with the support of Oregon Film as they explore this question with Arianna Goodman on June…