Tag Archive for critique groups

Online Hillsboro: It’s critique time!

Hillsboro Chapter Header

Hillsboro Chapter Presents It’s critique time! Online: This meeting is online only. Register for the meeting here. On the day of the meeting, a Zoom link will be sent to your email. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrdeisrD8pGdHG9wjYcg9yLM4VtfWZpurx   By request, the Hillsboro chapter of Willamette Writers will host an online critique session. Whether you wish to share an excerpt of…

Finding a Critique Group

Since so many of our members seek critique groups, I was delighted to stumble upon what appeared to be a “secret society” of such groups right here in Portland. In fact, it’s not a secret society but a highly organized, grassroots, community-based organization of serious writers who joined together to form People’s Ink to hone their writing…