Mid Valley Member Announcements

Available Now… LEONTARI: A POLEMIC ROMANCE, by A.M. Brosius

Imagine yourself in a world where the Fourth Crusade and sack of Constantinople led to a revolution in what we now call mainland Greece. The society that arose out of that revolt is unlike any other in Europe: pagan, libertine, consciously inter-dependent yet insisting on individual rights, the people of the Hellenic Commonwealth and Polity…

Word! New Eugene Writing Group

Shut up and write! You know the feeling. You need to write, but you have trouble making the time. A lot of other writers know exactly how you feel. That’s why they’ve started a new Eugene writing group, and are hosting events where writers can sit down, shut up, and get some writing done. Word!…

Free Writers Workshop for Sexual Assault Survivors

Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) presents a free Writers Workshop for Survivors on March 24 and March 31. The workshops culminate in the Annual Poetry of Survival Reading, held at Tsunami Books on April 22. These free Creative Writers Workshops are open to sexual assault survivors of all genders and abilities. Come and try new…

Publisher FurPlanet to release OTTERS IN SPACE by Mary E. Lowd

Coming January 2012 Otters In Space, a self-published novel by local writer Mary E. Lowd was picked up by a small press. After more than a year of marketing her novel and selling it at science fiction and furry conventions herself, Mary caught the attention of the furry publisher FurPlanet. The owners of FurPlanet were…

Eugene critique group Wordos seeks more fiction short stories

Wordos, the long-time Eugene short fiction critique group, currently has no waiting list for critiques and is seeking new stories. The group meets Tuesday nights at Tsunami Books from 7-9 p.m., and is open to new members and observers. Eligible genres include: Science fiction Fantasy Romance Mystery Horror Erotica “Just about any other type of…

Marny Copal releases new self-published novel, Freeblood

About the book Secrets and lies have surrounded 21-year-old Quinn Zauber since a vampire killed her mother and brother a year ago. Jo-Jo Huang, her best friend and roommate, has offered steady support, even going along with Quinn’s crazy ghost-hunting schemes. Now Jo-Jo has been kidnapped, and clues point to an audio recorder the roomies…