The Willamette Writers Conference

Humanitarian Award – Justin Hocking, IPRC

The Independent Publishing Resource Center is an invaluable tool for Portland and Oregon artists and writers. It not only provides a print shop, a binding machine, and a research station, it also has a zine library that covers over 60 years and has over 6,000 self-published and independently produced materials. The center provides outreach efforts through the Media…

More events to enjoy this year!

For this year’s conference, we’re adding to all the festivities that you’ll get to enjoy! We’ve updated Pitch With the Pros on Thursday night to Pitch For the Prize! Choose your room — Literature or Film —and $5 buys you a two minute pitch in front of a panel of experts who will evaluate and make…

More indie/self-publishing opportunities this year

Jason Brick is to blame for the conference program this year. You may have noticed a shift in our content to better serve professional nonfiction writers and the indie/self-publishing community while still offering plenty of traditional publishing and craft classes. Find Jason at some point during the weekend and tell him how you feel about…

Marjorie Thelen on Volunteering and the Willamette Writers Conference

An Independent Volunteer Third-year volunteer Marjorie Thelen struck out on the independent publishing path three years ago after attending the 2011 Willamette Writers Conference. The author of the Deovolante Space Opera series then returned to volunteer at the conference the next two years. Working both in the volunteer room and monitoring workshops, Marjorie found herself…

Anne Hendren on Volunteering and the Willamette Writers Conference

Volunteer Room Extraordinaire Third-year volunteer Anne Hendren knows one thing about volunteering: Helping out in the volunteer room is the place to be during the Willamette Writers Conference. “(One of the best things about volunteering) is I am able to spend time with other volunteers in the ‘break room’ and learn more about their work,”…

Jennifer Fulford on Volunteering and the Willamette Writers Conference

Point Hope, by Kristen James

Volunteering: A Success Story Many great things come out of volunteering at the Willamette Writers Conference. New friends are made, new contacts are gained. For volunteer Jennifer Fulford, the benefits didn’t end there. A third-year volunteer, Jennifer found that volunteering gave her a new level of understanding about herself and her career as a writer.…

Natalie Wood on Volunteering and the Willamette Writers Conference

The Bird Natalie Wood has volunteered at the Willamette Writers Conference for the past two years. Her best volunteer story? “The man with a giant tropical bird,” she said. “I remembered he created quite a stir.” While the man with the giant tropical bird highlights the diverseness of attendees, Natalie’s own experiences highlight the diverse…