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Week of Events
Southern: Chapter Planning Meeting
Southern: Chapter Planning Meeting
Hello, Southern Oregon Chapter! After a great summer, we are looking forward to a wonderful fall with you. We want to take some time to connect with our chapter and plan our upcoming year of programming with you. Please join us on Zoom to meet your colleagues and connect with friends. Details below. See you…
Vancouver Hybrid: Plotting Techniques with Alan E. Rose
Vancouver Hybrid: Plotting Techniques with Alan E. Rose
"Plotting Techniques: Finding the story you want to tell, and then deciding how best to tell it." NOTE: New location - Cascade Community Park Library, 600 NE 136th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98684 This is a hybrid meeting: both online and in-person. Zoom details below. Doors open at 6PM, presentation begins at 6:15PM Most stories have…