Willamette Writers

Focus on Fluency with Eric Witchey

By Bridget Good “Rule #1 is: Affect the emotions of the reader. There is no rule 2.” We all love that feeling when a book pulls us in. We want to root for the characters and feel as though we are taking the journey right there beside them. We want to smell what they smell.…

Your 2024 Willamette Writers Conference Guide: Part Two

Willamette Writers Conference Header

By Allison Wallace The 2024 Willamette Writers Conference begins soon, and the big question is–what to do? What to attend?  In the last Conference Guide, we went through the early days of #wilwrite24, July 27th through August 1st. Saturday, August 3rd is the biggest day of the conference! There are workshops, readings, talks, socials and…

Writer Rituals and the Creative Process with Sage Cohen

Writer Rituals

By Jay Butler The holidays have come and gone, and in their wake comes a new year! With our latest waltz around the sun, now is the time for something new. Sometimes, that means a resolution to pursue throughout the year. Other times, it means a fresh start. However you begin the year, opening rituals…

New Release — Fester, by Crawford Smith

Fester, New release by crawford smith

Welcome to Fester, Pennsylvania. Population: weird. Chief Constable Billy Snyder keeps the town in line, enforcing the law with an iron fist while he runs his own lucrative scams on the side. He serves as guard dog for the elite Top Hats, descendants of Fester’s original settlers, who for centuries have been keeping a dark…

Member News: New Release — Fester, by Crawford Smith

Fester, New release by crawford smith

Welcome to Fester, Pennsylvania. Population: weird. Chief Constable Billy Snyder keeps the town in line, enforcing the law with an iron fist while he runs his own lucrative scams on the side. He serves as guard dog for the elite Top Hats, descendants of Fester’s original settlers, who for centuries have been keeping a dark…

Patricia Anderson Flash Fiction Publication

Patricia Anderson, The Awakening of the Empath publication

“The Awakening of the Empath,” a story by re-emerging writer Patricia Anderson, was published at Altered Reality magazine. From the author: “This story began as a response to attending a baby’s funeral. I needed to express a crush of dark feelings. Eventually it reoriented from creative nonfiction to fiction. Initial response to my query letter…

Member News: Patricia Anderson Flash Fiction Publication

Publication, The Awakening of the Empath, by Patricia Anderson

“The Awakening of the Empath,” a story by re-emerging writer Patricia Anderson, was published at Altered Reality magazine. From the author: “This story began as a response to attending a baby’s funeral. I needed to express a crush of dark feelings. Eventually it reoriented from creative nonfiction to fiction. Initial response to my query letter…

Eugene Editor wins Literary Legacy Award

Elizabeth Lyon, editor award winner

Oregon Book Awards Advisory Committee and the Board of Directors of Literary Arts selected Eugene editor Elizabeth Lyon as the 2021 recipient of the Stewart H. Holbrook Literary Legacy Award “in recognition of significant contributions that have enriched Oregon’s literary community.” Find out more