Your 2024 Willamette Writers Conference Guide: Part One

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There’s just over two weeks left before the 2024 Willamette Writers conference begins, and the big question is–what to do? What to attend?

This year’s Willamette Writers Conference is packed with compelling ideas and great professionals ready to help you on your writing journey–wherever you might be on your path and whatever your genre of interest. You can pack your schedule to the brim with workshops or leave more time for reconnecting with old friends. 

Before the Conference Weekend:

The pre-conference keynote speech on July 27th will set the tone for the weekend–and this year will host a truly excellent perspective. Sharing twenty-years of experience in publishing, the inimitable Jane Friedman will be giving the pre-conference keynote speech. Things are changing rapidly in the industry, and getting proper context can be more than challenging. It’s not to be missed!

On July the 28th, spend an evening exercising your pitch skills with a panel of industry professionals. Come to give and receive feedback and meet new friends. If your pitch survives the gauntlet–you could win the coveted title of 2024 Pitch Champion.

And if you signed up for the Indie Publishing Master Class with Michael La Ronn and Matty Dalyrmple, log-on and get to work! There are still a few spots left in this in-depth workshop. 

What to do on Wednesday & Thursday:

Pitches and critiques as far as the eye can see! On July 31st and August 1, you can sit down online for your pitch or critique. Remember, you have to register for these, but once you’re there, expect focused feedback and individual career-building opportunities. 

But Thursday is not over yet! Thursday night, join the crew (or find a crew) at the Writer’s Block Party at the Willamette Writers Zoom Mansion (I cannot emphasize enough how much it is a whole mansion, all for the conference). Find conference-friends to see panels with, or retire to a quiet corner of the garden to meditate or write so you’re ready for your next conference day–Friday!

Friday, August 2nd:

Friday–the first glimpse of a weekend full of workshops and conversations. After the opening Keynote Poem by Slam Poet Alex Dang, learn the ins and outs of clearly and effectively communicating about your projects at the Introducing You workshop. 

With all the workshops coming your way, it’s easy to miss daily writing. After all the inspiration, take some quiet time from 9AM to 10AM or after lunch at 12:30PM to 3:30PM for creativity and decompression. 

The local great Molly Gloss (whom WW volunteer Avis Adams just featured here) will teach a workshop on Deep Imagining. Readers love immersion in a rich world, and this generative workshop has reading examples and tools to enable you to dive into new imaginative territory in your stories. Check the agenda for other available Master Classes.

We’ll work on scene with Abigail Raeke and Julie Artz, then, after lunch, you can attend the Fearless Writing hybrid workshop taught by William Kenower. This class will help with the author’s side of the writing equation, or how to keep your brain on your projects (that you just learned to talk about) and away from the stressors that follow creative pursuits. 

Alright—now you are a fearless writer. You can introduce your project quickly. You even brought the first page of your latest manuscript, in fact, you brought five copies for First Page Critique in the afternoon at #wilwrite24. (There’s also an online, Zoom version held at the same time). Bring those five copies of your first page to share and receive feedback, or just bring yourself to read others’ work and share your impressions. 

Now, it’s time to mosey on to the Writer’s Fair. Get some free pens and make some connections! Meet publishers, writer’s groups, indie writers, and more. At 8PM, sign up for your five minutes of fame (or sit back and experience tons of new performances) in the Open Mic (both online and in-person). 

Did you submit to the Timberline Review? Thinking about submitting to next year’s edition? Curious about the literary journal? Attend the #wilwrite24 Friday launch of the 13th edition and hear from contributors from all genres–from poetry, short stories, and essayists. Get a signed copy and talk shop or just celebrate. 

What’s Coming Next:

That’s all just Friday, day one of the conference. Stay tuned next week for another guide to the next day, Saturday, August 3rd!