Molly Best Tinsley will be signing books at booth 64 at the Portland Book Festival on November 9th.
Molly Best Tinsley taught on the civilian faculty at the United States Naval Academy for twenty years. Author of My Life with Darwin (Houghton Mifflin), Throwing Knives (Ohio State University Press), the memoir, Entering the Blue Stone (Fuze), and the middle-grade thriller (Fuze), she also co-authored the textbook, The Creative Process (St. Martin’s). Her fiction has twice earned fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Sandstone Prize, and the Oregon Book Award. Her plays have been read and produced nationwide.
Margaret Torrens leaves college teaching to escape the world. Four months later she’s locked in a ward for the criminally insane, trying to explain what happened: a former student, Jane, barged into her isolated cabin with a mute child, followed by Victor–Margaret’s alleged victim–who laid claim to both. Find out more.