Willamette Writers was saddened to hear of the death of award-winning novelist and non-fiction writer Ivan Doig. From This House of Sky to Sweet Thunder, Mr. Doig proved his mastery of language and storytelling. He never considered himself a “Western” writer, despite his stories taking place in the American West. He felt that writing, though localized to a particular setting, could transcend that setting and speak to us all as readers.
I, for one, agree with him. I’ve never considered myself a “Western” reader, but I’ve always loved Mr. Doig’s books, and This House of Sky is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read.
As the winner of our Lifetime Achievement Award in 2014, Mr. Doig attended the Gala Awards Banquet and delivered one of the most gracious and entertaining speeches of the night. He charmed everyone with his wit and humor. He loved Portland specifically and Oregon in general and often spoke of how grateful he was to his many fans here.
He will be greatly missed.
For a wonderful and insightful interview with Ivan Doig, please visit The Author’s Road.