Special Event: Science Fiction and Fantasy with Rhiannon Held! Fantastic Worlds! Alternate Times! How do authors create their worlds and characters in Sci-Fi/Fantasy? How do authors suspend disbelief and lead readers along on their fantastical journeys? Sci-Fi/Fantasy author, Rhiannon Held, will share her process in creating worlds and characters at the Willamette Writers Coast Chapter…
Tag Archive for Coast Chapter Willamette Writers
Newport: Self-Publishing with Vinnie Kinsella
Willamette Writers Coast Chapter Presents Self-Publishing with Vinnie Kinsella This Meeting Is In-person Only Place: Newport Public Library, 35 NW Nye St, Newport, OR 97365 Self-Publishing has become a preferred option for many writers, but is it right for you? Join publishing specialist Vinnie Kinsella and the Willamette Writers Coast Chapter for an exploration…
Newport: Finding the Mystery at the Heart of Your Novel with Emmeline Duncan
Willamette Writers Coast Chapter presents Finding the Mystery at the Heart of Your Novel with Emmeline Duncan This meeting is in-person only PLACE: Newport Public Library, 35 NW Nye St, Newport, OR 97365 Every book is a mystery, but not every novel is a whodunit. What can you learn from analyzing a traditional mystery to…