2024 Conference Sponsorship
Interested in supporting Willamette Writers programming? Consider a conference sponsorship.
Keynote Sponsor: $2500 (4 available)
We put your name next to our keynote speaker: on registration and in the keynote introduction. This is a major highlight of your work in our community.
Writer's Fair Sponsor: $5000 (1 available)
We highlight your support on Writer's Fair signage and in conference registration. The Writer's Fair is free and open to the public -- this is a great opportunity to show your support for Willamette Writers programming!
Badge sponsor: $2500 (1 available)
Your name printed on our lanyards, worn by all conference attendees. 350 lanyards purchased in 2023.
Workshop sponsor: $1000 (2 available)
Your name included at the beginning of the workshop listing in our conference schedule on 4 conference workshops: [Workshop Title] sponsored by [Name]. We will also announce your support during the workshop. This is a great way to introduce your work to our writers.
Program Sponsor: $500 (5 available, 4 remaining)
Your 1/4 page ad, black-and white, featured in our print program. Share your business and work with our conference attendees.
Schedule Sponsor: $100 (10 available)
Your Business Card Size ad (3.5” x 2”), black-and white, featured in our print program. Share your business and work with our conference attendees.
Chapter Sponsor: $750
Support your local chapter of Willamette Writers with a Chapter Sponsorship. We will include your name / your business on our Chapter Announcements, and you support with make a year of programming possible in your community! Please contact the office before purchasing to confirm availability for your chapter (wilwrite [at] willamettewriters.org)