Local Authors Donating to St.Vincent de Paul’s
Join our chapter co-chair Valerie Willman along with six local Oregon authors for a reading and book signing!!
Book Signing Presented by St. Vincent de Paul
Saturday, June 21st
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
St. Vincent de Paul at River Road/Division Street Location
Meet and support local Oregon authors while shopping for great deals at your favorite thrift store.
15% of all book sales go back to SVDP.
Refreshments, too!
Leandra Martin~~author of 5 science fiction/fantasy YA novels (along with Bonnie Wasson, cover artist)
Dan Armstrong~~author of adult historical fiction and international thrillers
Kirk Toncray~~non-fiction author of Behind the Signs: a journey through homelessness
Valerie Willman~~non-fiction author of Smell the Blue Sky: young, pregnant, and widowed
C.Edwin Fender~~author of adventure novels
Carola Dunn~~author of 24 mysteries and 32 Regency romance books
Mike Pungecar~~author of non-fiction WWII biography A Promise Kept