Glitterary Word Festival: Multi-day literary arts festival
Oregon’s Sixth Poet Laureate, Paulann Petersen, will spend several days in Lane County for the multi-day literary arts festival, Young Writers Association Glitterary Word Festival. She will make a number of appearances from Apr. 28-30 as part of the Lane County festival. For details, visit the Young Writers Association website:
Glitterary event schedule
The culminating day of the Glitterary Word Festival is Saturday, April 30, 2011. Events are held 11 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Eugene Public Library Downtown. Glitterary is free and open to the public.
This year’s festival theme is “Food”. The events schedule is as follows:
- 11:00-12:30: MAY THE FORK BE WITH YOU WINNERS’ RECEPTION: The announced winners of YWA’s winter writing contest, FOOD, read their work followed by a light luncheon reception.
- 12:30-2:00pm: WRITING WITH OREGON’S POET LAUREATE: All ages! Kids and teens invite favorite adults and adults invite favorite youth to join visiting Oregon Poet Laureate, Paulann Petersen, in an inter-generational writing workshop.
- 2:00-4:00pm: FOOD FOR THE SOUL: Kids, teens and their families explore, imagine and create in many hands-on stations inspired by the contest theme, Food. Paulann Petersen will be available for book signing. Festival participants may visit the KLCC studios to record their creative writing on CD. Find out more about local literary arts organizations, write with an author, create exceptional handcrafted journals, and enter an instant writing contest.
About YWA Glitterary Word Festival 2011
The YWA Glitterary Word Festival 2011 is produced by the Young Writers Association and hosted by the Eugene Public Library Downtown.
The festival is made possible in part by a grant from Lane Arts Council with support from the City of Eugene Cultural Services Division. Governor Kulongoski appoints our Oregon Poet Laureate. The Poet Laureate program is a collaborative project of the state’s five cultural partners: Oregon Arts Commission, Oregon Humanities, Oregon Heritage Commission, Oregon Historical Society, and State Historic Preservation Office, with funding from the Oregon Cultural Trust.
Since 1994, YWA has stirred up literary play in youth and community. A nonprofit organization, YWA provides Lane County elementary through high school students with interactive, literature-based experiences in workshops, publications, camps, classrooms and in inter-generational settings. More information is available at