Member News: The Feldenkrais Creativity Workshop Series for Fiction Writers

Topic: Process

Discover your optimal process as a writer. Creative writing is about generating the atmosphere of a specific time and place. To take the reader there, the author must enter the story. For every writer the process is different. This workshop delves into how different writers find their groove. Includes a short FELDENKRAIS© movement lesson to release tension. Then, we write. Calm the body, and free the mind.

Write from a deeper place. Craft deconstructed, tension diminished, creativity enhanced.

What if a writing workshop or conference were more like a retreat? What if you went to a writer’s retreat where relaxation was embedded into the day, so that downtime to think, dream and process was a main ingredient of the experience?

Imagine a writer’s conference where people were expected to take time to go into a state of deep relaxed downtime? This is what is on offer here: this is the experience of The Feldenkrais Creativity Workshops for Writers.

We do the cerebral stuff first. We talk about a Craft. We deconstruct a few specific elements of writing fiction. Then we go under, we go inside. Using the Feldenkrais Method of Awareness Through Movement, we enter into a state of mindful movement where deeper thoughts, ancient memories or previously downloaded inspirations return to tempt you into a new story. It’s a way to enter into the zone of no thought, where dreams and images come alive.

After that, we write. It’s an experience of regaining renewal, of finding a release from tension so constant we barely even notice it’s there because it is so familiar. For most, tension in the body is something they live with every day. At some point it’s not even recognized. Yet, when you feel the release of that constant underlying tension, all the energy that was tied up in the effort of it becomes available for your writing. It also opens up a space for ideas. This is a new potential for storytellers. This is a true writer’s retreat.

$15/$30 (541) 777-0124. Sat., June 1, 2019, 2-5 pm 235 W. Main St. Jacksonville.

The Feldenkrais Creativity Workshop Series for Fiction Writers

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