How much would you give to sit down with a traditionally published author and pick their brain about the ins and outs of working with a small press?
How about two?
Grab a notebook, a pen, and a magic lamp to harness some incredible insight from two of The Parliament House’s most successful authors:
Jason Tanamor is the critically acclaimed author of the novels Anonymous and Drama Dolls. His new novel, Vampires of Portlandia is now out! His writing has appeared in more than 250 publications. He’s interviewed personalities such as Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins), Pete Rose, and Dane Cook, and has covered U.S. President Barack Obama.
Brianna Sugalski is an elf from the Hawaiian islands, obsessed with worldwide folklore and the late medieval ages. She is a reiki practitioner and flourishes in Fall weather, and is writing the sequel to Disenchanted as we speak.
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