Indie Publishing Paths with Michael La Ronn and Matty Dalrymple

Indie Publishing Paths with Matty Dalyrmple and Michael La Ronn

The most successful authors are those who bring an indie mindset to their writing and publishing careers, regardless of their publishing path.

That is the belief held by Matty Dalrymple—author of the Lizzy Ballard Thrillers and the Ann Kinnear suspense novels—who has found success in her writing career following her own indie publishing path.

Michael La Ronn, similarly, blazed his own path, publishing 90 books in various genres including science fiction, fantasy and self-help books for writers. 

Both Matty and Michael enjoy over a decade of publishing success sharing this “indie mindset.” The pair have found in each other a shared sensibility for independent publishing and are working together to help other authors find the path forward on their own journeys. 

The Indie mindset

Independent authors have to go beyond just writing their books. They learn how to edit, find designers, figure out production and distribution channels, and solicit the appropriate resources that will help them achieve their goals.

No matter what route an author takes, learning the Indie mindset helps authors better understand their goals and take the fate of their projects into their own hands. 

As Michael La Ronn notes, “no matter whether you publish traditionally or self-publish, the marketing and promotion is up to you. It’s not something you can give to anyone else.”

Why do authors go Indie?

When Matty was finishing her first novel, “The Sense of Death.” She decided to go independent after consulting with some of her friends who had gone the traditional route. 

She found nothing particularly compelling about their experiences. Instead, the “creative control over content” that independent publishing offered made it “the way to go.”

When putting together his first book—a “Choose Your Own Adventure-esque book for grown-ups”—Michael quickly learned how to solve problems with regards to formatting and production. Though there were things he felt he could have done differently, the experience enriched him as an author and helped him learn the ropes of being a published author faster.

Learn more from Matty and Michael

Matty and Michael have both gotten to where they are by forging their own path. They also share a passion for helping other writers find their way into publishing.

The illustrious pair will come together at the Willamette Writers Conference to teach a two-day interactive master class on all the tools an author needs to succeed in the Indie world. 

The first day of the master class will focus on setting goals and detail the specifics of finding an editor and cover designer, and will also consider what platforms will help authors reach those goals.

On the second day, the class will turn to marketing and promotion and answer any questions participants may have. 

The class is designed to be a hands-on interactive lecture, where those attending will learn the basics of everything needed to self publish their first novel, including: 

  • Editing
  • Formatting
  • Design
  • Production and Distribution
  • Marketing
  • Resources

The course will take place online:

July 27th @ 10 AM – 1 PM 

July 28th @ 10 AM – 12 PM

About the faculty

Michael La Ronn Headshot

Michael La Ronn has published many science fiction & fantasy books and self-help books for writers. He built a writing career publishing 10-12 books per year while raising a family, working a full-time job, and even attending law school classes in the evenings. 

You can find his fiction on his website and books and videos for authors at Author Level Up.

Matty Dalrymple Headshot

Matty Dalrymple is the author of the Lizzy Ballard Thrillers, beginning with ROCK PAPER SCISSORS; the Ann Kinnear Suspense Novels, beginning with THE SENSE OF DEATH; and the Ann Kinnear Suspense Shorts, including CLOSE THESE EYES. She is a member of International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime.

You can find her on her website (named by Writer’s Digest as one of the “101 Best Websites for Writers”), hosting The Indy Author Podcast, and The Indy Author on YouTube. Plus, newsletter subscribers will get advance notice of a soon-to-be-launched co-authored book by Michael and me! 

Is this class right for me?

Whether you are an indie author, or just exploring the Indie path to publishing, this class will give you the tips and tools you need to find your way in the publishing industry. Register for the class here. We look forward to seeing you there!