Happy Holidays From WW FiLMLaB

Willamette Writers is a diverse community of writers. Screenwriters, poets, novelists, playwrights, memoirists  . . . all genres, all writers are welcome. We have different levels of accomplishment, expertise and success, but we all share one thing in common: the celebration of the written word.

During these final days of Chanukah and Christmas, our hope for you, our writing family, is that there is time for contemplation in your Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; time for charity in this season of hope; and time for friendships old and new. We wish you moments of stillness, thoughtfulness and solitude where ideas can flourish; and a fertile imagination where they can find purchase.

Willamette Writers and #FiLMLaB wish you a very merry, very happy holiday season, and a heart and home filled with happiness, love and joy.


Ruth Witteried

As Visual Media Director, Ruth Witteried works with all programs based in the visual arts, including screenwriting and film production. As Executive Director of the FiLMLaB competition and project, she produced the 2012 FiLMLaB short, Alis Volat Propriis, winner of the 2013 OIFF Best Comedic Short; 2013′s Coffee.Table.Book.; 2014's Unwelcome Guests, and in 2015, The Return of Bug Eyed Bill. She acted as Film Coordinator for the Willamette Writers Conference from 2011-2013 and occasionally teaches screenwriting at Clark College. She currently is Executive Director of Willamette Writers' FiLMLaB. You can follow her on Twitter @sityourassdown1 or Facebook at FiLMLaB. Contact her. (visualmedia@willamettewriters.org) 
