FiLMLaB Update

Monday we’ll make our announcement with the names of the TOP FIVE FINALISTS.

Our LA judges will read and rank these top five scripts.

Film Chair Mary Andonian will personally contact winners to let them know when they will hear from Film Production Coordinator Jackie Blain (who will provide production notes) and Ampersand Productions. (Director Christopher Alley will talk “filmability” angles with each finalist).

Our winner will be announced in early April. Ampersand Productions will film the winning script and it will premiere at the Willamette Writers Conference August 1-3 weekend.

More to come on Monday, March 17! YAY!

Ruth Witteried

As Visual Media Director, Ruth Witteried works with all programs based in the visual arts, including screenwriting and film production. As Executive Director of the FiLMLaB competition and project, she produced the 2012 FiLMLaB short, Alis Volat Propriis, winner of the 2013 OIFF Best Comedic Short; 2013′s Coffee.Table.Book.; 2014's Unwelcome Guests, and in 2015, The Return of Bug Eyed Bill. She acted as Film Coordinator for the Willamette Writers Conference from 2011-2013 and occasionally teaches screenwriting at Clark College. She currently is Executive Director of Willamette Writers' FiLMLaB. You can follow her on Twitter @sityourassdown1 or Facebook at FiLMLaB. Contact her. (