Saturday night found a reunion of the 2012 FiLMLaB cast and crew at The Press Club, a cool little bistro across the street from the Clinton Street Theater where Alis Volat Propriis (written by Haley Isleib) was due to premier that night. For some of us, it had only been a few weeks since we saw each other last, at the August 2013 FiLMLaB debut at the Willamette Writers Conference. For others, it was a good fifteen months. But we arrived with bells on to toast the author, director and everyone involved in our freshman endeavor that brought home a Best Comedic Short Award at Oregon Independent Film Festival.
Actress Katie Michels was reunited with her muse-or-not-a-muse co-star, Randall Jahnson, after a stint at the Curious Comedy Theater, where Gus Van Sant stopped by to enjoy the show.
OIFF continues through Tuesday, September 24th and tickets are still available for some shows. I encourage everyone to check out this uniquely Portland experience and consider entering your own short film (or feature) next year. We had a terrific time and are so grateful for the recognition.
We will be adding Alis Volat Propriis to the Willamette Writers website, but in the meantime you can view it via Christopher Alley’s link. Haley has also made her original, five page winning script available on her website.
Many thanks to everyone who helped to make 2012 FiLMLaB a success! We are excited about our 2013 sophomore effort as well and will continue to post updates on this site and provide new information for the 2014 Script-to-Screen Contest and FiLMLaB.
Ruth Witteried is the Film Coordinator for the Willamette Writers Conference and Executive Producer of FiLMLaB. You can follow her on Facebook at FilmLab and SitYourAssDown; Twitter @sityourassdown1, or as RH Cohen on her Young Adult website
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