Screenwriter interview of local popular screenwriter Cynthia Whitcomb
Cynthia Whitcomb is featured in a Lake Oswego Review article that covers her career as a screenwriter, screenwriting instructor, and a playwright with several productions. In the article Cynthia speaks about not being allowed to watch movies until she saw The Sound of Music, and, in her words, she went “movie crazy” and went out to see all the movies she had missed. Watching movies, she also studied how they were put together.
Cynthia went on to have a long, successful career as a screenwriter, selling 70 scripts and having 29 produced. Along the way, she was nominated for many awards, like the Humanitas Award for “Selma, Lord, Selma” and a WGA Award Nominee for “I Know My First Name Is Steven.”
As a screenwriting instructor at UCLA, her students went on to write and sell scripts, including “Face/Off” and the Jim Carrey hit “The Mask.”
Now she is teaching others what she knows about breaking in to Hollywood in her popular Fall workshop that begins in September, 2015. To enroll in Cynthia Whitcomb’s screenwriting class, call Willamette Writers at 503-305-6729 or register online.