Community News: Author Event – NW Book Fun in the Sun

Announcing a free author event for NW authors. NW Book Fun in the Sun invites all published books (self-published & traditional) authors to join and share their books on Sunday, July 23rd from 11 am to 3 pm. This is a simple event with each author having a table to share and sell their books. Authors must register here as soon as possible. Each author will receive a bio page on the website (good SEO for you!) and fun for guests to check out ahead of time.

Covington Historic House has long been providing social and educational events since 1848.

Covington Historic House (4201 Main St, Vancouver, WA 98663) is excited to announce its first Book Fun in the Sun event in Vancouver, Washington. It is a few hours of fun in the sun for authors and readers to meet one another and share their love of books and reading.

We are up to 16 authors (open to more) with books for all ages and genres, including picture books, historical and memoirs with fiction of all types from mystery and adventure to fantasy and science fiction.

To participate, authors are asked to fill out an author registration form and an author interview form and provide an author photo and book images. This information will be used to create your “Meet the Author” page which will remain on the website and provide a bit of SEO juice for dear old Google.

The event is free, with each author responsible for their book sales. Some tables will be available, but if an author can bring their own, that would be great. Preferably long and narrow but whatever works for you.

This is our first event so we are definitely learning as we go and are open to any suggestions and help to make this a great event. Each author is asked to share the event as widely as possible with their friends, family, fans, and social media.

On the Covington Historic House part, we have printed posters, flyers, and yard signs which are being distributed throughout Vancouver. We have one radio station KXRW providing a PSA (and maybe on-site to cover the event) with three Vancouver online event calendars giving us a summer listing. We are still hoping for more print coverage, but nothing has been promised so far (is it ever?). Vancouver Family Magazine may have a bit about the event – if anyone has a connection with print media, this would be a new and fun event to share.

Covington Historic House is the oldest residence in Clark County, built in 1848 though possibly earlier. It was a roughly built log structure that was used as both a boarding school for the Hudson’s Bay Company and as a gathering place for musical and social events. Ulysses S. Grant was a frequent visitor during his time as a quartermaster at Vancouver Barracks.

While this is our first large event of this kind in recent years, we are hoping that it will be well attended, lots of fun, and become an annual event. Basically, there is no agenda this year; it’s simply a fun and easy get-together for authors and readers to test the waters and see how it goes.

Parking is available at the house with added parking across the street at the First Presbyterian Church (thank you First Presbyterian!) and up the street a bit at a commercial area that also allows parking.