Willamette Writers

Book award: The Communing Tree

Theresa Verboort’s book, The Communing Tree, has been awarded the Women Writing the West Willa award for best young adult novel by a western woman writer of 2018. She will be flying to San Antonio, Texas on Oct. 10 to receive the award. Find out more.

Recently released: The Same Moon by Sarah Coomber

Released earlier this year by TouchPoint Press, The Same Moon is the story of a young woman who runs far, far away to find her way home.  Recently wed—and quickly divorced—twenty-four-year-old Sarah Coomber escapes the disappointments of her Minnesota life for a job teaching English in Japan. Her plan is to use the year to…

Cooper’s Loot by Rick E. George

It’s 1972, but the Neanderthal editors of Bev Wikowski’s newspaper don’t have a clue. They’ve assigned her to the Women’s Pages. They put her desk near the door so she can greet newsroom visitors. It’s a wonder they haven’t asked her to make coffee. So when Bev receives an offer to help find the buried…

Portland Zionists Unite! And Other Stories

With a range of different narrators—three Israel Defense Force soldiers, a hawkish retiree, a synagogue executive director, and a young video game fan—each story viscerally speaks to the contrasts between Israel’s founding mythology and current political realities. From their different perspectives, the narrators collectively engage with a growing concern in US Jewish communal life: how…